In early gestation the internal surface of the lung is structurally si
mple and an ideal target for somatic gene transfer(1-3). The transfer
of genes into the growing lung would be particularly useful in the pre
natal correction of cystic fibrosis, which has devastating pulmonary c
omplications. In addition, in utero gene therapy has the potential to
immunotolerize the individual, and thereby to avoid the immune reactio
ns now seen with the current generation of adenoviral vectors(4,5). We
injected a replication-defective adenoviral vector containing the lac
Z reporter gene (Ad5.CMVlacZ) into the amniotic fluid of rat pups on t
he 16th day of gestation(6-9). At 16 days of gestation, rat lungs are
equivalent in maturity to those of a 22-week human fetus as their airw
ays are lined with undifferentiated multipotential stem cells. The pup
s showed high-level reporter gene expression in their airways a week f
ollowing birth (13 days following infection). The expression was maint
ained during a time when the lung volume increased approximately 20-fo
ld, alveolarization occurred, and the epithelial cells differentiated(
2,3). These data establish gene targeting of undifferentiated fetal ce
lls as an effective means of gene therapy.