Forty-three chromosome counts of Compositae are reported from Ecuador
and Venezuela. A first generic count is reported for Stuckertiella Bea
uverd (n = 11-12), and first counts also are reported for 15 species i
n Ageratina Spach, Chromolaena DC., Coespeletia Cuatrec., Erigeron L.,
Espeletia Mutis, Gynoxys Cass., Hinterhubera Sch. Bip., Oritrophium (
HBK) Cuatrec., Pentacalia Cass., Ruilopezia Cuatrec., Senecio L., Tana
cetum L., and Vasquezia Phil. Additional counts also are provided for
23 populations of previously counted taxa, two of which are new number
s. The taxonomic implications of certain of these counts are discussed