The personal meaning and perceived impact of insulin dependent diabete
s mellitus (IDDM) were investigated in an exploratory study of 51 Finn
ish adolescents aged between 13 and 17. Interview data were examined u
sing continuous comparative analysis. The personal meaning of IDDM was
described using the following categories: a habit; a little devil; a
nightmare; stress; prison; death; and hell. A core concept to emerge w
as that of control. Young people felt IDDM controlled, or limited, the
ir freedom and independence. Two main themes emerged in terms of the i
mpact of IDDM in the lives of adolescents: a threat to life's equilibr
ium and a healthy lifestyle. Diabetes was viewed as a threat to physic
al, psychological and social well-being which disrupted the balance of
life. In contrast, the other main category, a healthy lifestyle, revo
lved around the notion that having IDDM offered a unique opportunity t
o live a healthy life. The results provided a useful insight into the
personal meaning of IDDM and serve to raise awareness of the problems
and difficulties experienced by adolescents with this condition.