Prediction of expected result of selection and its comparison with an
actual result serve for organization and making more effective the sel
ection process. In 1995 the Czech Pied cattle represented 55% of cows
bred in the Czech Republic. The structure of selection programme and i
ntensity (Tab. I) are similar in the other cattle breeds with dual-pur
pose production. The total genotype is defined by indicators of milk a
nd meat production and secondary functional characters (Tab. IV). Base
d on the breeding values of different categories of cattle in studied
characters (Tab. III) the breeding value for complex of all traits in
the total genotype (Tab. VIII) is estimated. In estimation of total ef
fect the correlations between breeding values (Tabs. V, VI) and reliab
ility of breeding values for partial characters (Tab. VII) are conside
red. Using breeding values of partial characters in different categori
es of animals and age structure (Tab. II) an expected partial annual s
election result (Tab. IX), which amounts to 96.3 Kc, is determined. In
total milk production participates in the total selection result by 9
2.4%, meat production by 1.6% and 6% by secondary functional character
s (Tab. X). Higher effect (Tab. XI) is achieved in simulation of the s
ame selection programme using selection indices and all available info
rmation in estimation of the breeding value. The ratio 81% : 20% (Tab.
XII) would be used in selection in this case for milk and meat. Econo
mic optimization studies are needed to make the breeding more efficien
t and for co-ordination of the selection effort into the groups of dif
ferent characters.