In this case, a distinctive amyloid tumor of the breast clinically sim
ulated carcinoma, although the patient related onset to trauma, Hepato
splenomegaly, elevated globulins, and anemia led to identification of
large amounts of monoclonal IgG-kappa production, The patient died of
renal failure within several months despite chemotherapy, The matrix o
f the breast tumor was tinctorially characteristic of amyloid light ch
ain (AL) protein, The mass contained islands of plasma cells that morp
hologically suggested local production of amyloid matrix, Moreover, pl
asma cell and matrix immunohistochemically displayed reactivity of IgG
-kappa protein, indicating a clonal plasma cell infiltrate, Pseudo-aci
nar arrangement of plasma cells may be misinterpreted as: epithelial c
ells in needle biopsy specimens, The notion that some amyloidomas may
represent in situ production of protein by clonal immunocytes (''secre
tory immunocytomas'') should be further studied.