African and Iberian populations of the genus Cobitis exhibit high morp
hological polymorphism and their taxonomy is unclear. In seven such po
pulations the percentage of polymorphic loci ranged between P=0.08-0.4
8 and mean heterozygosity per locus H=0.005-0.073. The lowest Nei gene
tic distance between African and Iberian populations of Cobitis was D=
0.250. The populations separated with the formation of the Gibraltar s
trait 5 million years ago. C. calderoni is a well-differentiated branc
h from the rest of the Iberian populations of the genus. Our analysis
supports the concept that C. paludica populations and C. maroccana are
referable to the subgenus Iberocobitis. These African and Iberian pop
ulations represent two taxa, C. maroccana Pellegrin, 1929 and C. palud
ica De Buen, 1930. C. maroccana and C, paludica populations are monoph
yletic and the African population is the most differentiated genetical
ly. The Arrago population of C. paludica is genetically the most diffe
rentiated of the Iberian populations. Our allozyme data do not support
the previous consideration of the Albufera lagoon population as a dif
ferent species from C. paludica. (C) 1995 The Fisheries Society of the
British Isles.