We describe the experimental methodology that led to the discovery of
the creA gene in Aspergillus nidulans. This gene codes for a transcrip
tional repressor mediating carbon catabolite repression in many pathwa
ys in this organism. We compare both the mode and the mechanism of act
ion in two pathways subject to CreA-mediated repression. The genes com
prising the ethanol regulon are subject to carbon catabolite repressio
n independently of the nitrogen source, while the genes involved in pr
oline utilization are repressed by glucose only when a repressing nitr
ogen source is also present. In the ethanol regulon, CreA drastically
represses the expression of the positive regulatory gene alcR, thus pr
eventing the expression of the structural genes. Direct repression of
the structural genes is also existant. In the proline utilization path
way, repression operates directly at the level of the structural genes
. In the ethanol regulon, CreA prevents the self-induction of alcR and
the induction of the structural genes by competing with the binding o
f the AlcR protein. In proline gene cluster, CreA does not interfere w
ith induction mediated by PrnA but with the activity of an unknown and
more general transcription factor.