Differential expression of plant defense related genes may contribute
to the control of arbuscular mycorrhiza growth and development. The ex
pression of chitinases, beta-1,3-glucanases, and genes involved in the
biosynthesis of isoflavonoid phytoalexins has been studied in these s
ymbiotic associations. Relative to noninfected roots, mycorrhizal root
s showed a transient induction of endochitinase activities followed by
suppression, under low and high P conditions. The suppression was att
enuated under high P. Differential reductions in the steady-state leve
l of mRNAs encoding a basic and an acidic endochitinase was observed.
Suppression of beta-1,3-glucanase activities, two glucanase mRNAs, and
chalcone isomerase mRNA levels was also observed. In situ localizatio
n of several defense-related mRNAs showed a predominant accumulation i
n the vascular cylinder of mycorrhizal and noninfected roots, under bo
th P conditions. The levels of these mRNAs were systemically suppresse
d in arbuscular mycorrhizae (AM). Additionally, the accumulation of mR
NAs encoding an acidic endochitinase and a beta-1,3-endoglucanase was
enhanced in and around cells containing arbuscules, under high and low
P conditions, respectively. The differential regulation of defense-re
lated genes may contribute to the observed pattern of intraradical fun
gal growth. A hypothetical model for the functional roles and regulati
on of endochitinases and beta-1,3-endoglucanases in arbuscular mycorrh
iza is proposed.