The relative merits of three standardized methods for assessing the im
aging quality of intraocular lenses are discussed based on theoretical
modulation-transfer-function calculations. The standards are ANSI Z80
.7 1984 from the American National Standards Institute, now superseded
by ANSI Z80.7 1994, and the proposed ISO 11979-2 from the Internation
al Organization for Standardization. They entail different test config
urations and approval limits, respectively: 60% resolution efficiency
in air, 70% resolution efficiency in aqueous humor, and 0.43 modulatio
n at 100 line pairs/mm in a model eye. The ISO working group found tha
t the latter corresponds to 60% resolution efficiency in air in a ring
test among eight laboratories on a sample of 39 poly(methyl) methacry
late lenses and four silicone lenses spanning the power (in aqueous hu
mor) range of 10-30 D. In both ANSI Z80.7 1994 and ISO 11979-2, a 60%
resolution efficiency in air remains an optional approval limit. It is
concluded that the ISO configuration is preferred, because it puts th
e intraocular lens into the context of the optics of the eye. Note tha
t the ISO standard is tentative and is currently being voted on. (C) 1
995 Optical Society of America