During the FOS-DECAFE experiment at Lamto (Ivory Coast) in January 199
1 aerosols samples were collected at ground level above fires in order
to investigate the possibility of using Po-210 as a tracer of biomass
burning. The concentration of this radionuclide in plants is studied
as a function of its content in soils and in the atmospheric backgroun
d. It is shown that it depends strongly on the atmospheric content in
Po-210, due to dry deposition of the aerosols. The mean concentration
of plants at Lamto is found to be about 4.4 pCi of Po-210/gC during th
e fire season and falls down to less than 1pCi/gC outside this period.
The budget of Po-210 is evaluated taking into account its complete vo
latilization during the flaming phase, the (Po-210)(ash)/(Po-210)(plan
ts) ratio, which is measured to be about 14% and the percentage of sub
micron particles in the plume, about 91%. The inferred flux of Po-210
is 3850 Ci/yr for the African savanna, and 5800 Ci/yr for the global s
avanna. From this flux, fluxes of Ct and Cs are estimated to be 8.4 an
d 1.1 Tg of C/yr for the worldwide savanna.