This paper describes a hybrid blackboard model designed for process pl
anning of prismatic parts on CNC machine tools in a batch manufacturin
g environment. This hybrid blackboard model uses mixed-type reasoning
to handle feature interactions by combining the forward chaining for f
eature sequencing and the backward chaining for the combining the forw
ard chaining for feature sequencing and the backward chaining for the
construction of a process plan. In such a hybrid model, the human prob
lem-solving strategies are decoupled from the tools for analysis and s
orting algorithms. The central algorithm has four steps: (1) define th
e important information for features and feature-related concern; (2)
prioritize, the given feature according to the given constraints and s
orting guideline; (3) sequence the features; and (4) attach the needed
operations to the features in machine/process/feature/set-up/tool/tim
e/cost format.