To avoid the current water pollution from intensive glasshouse horticu
lture, closed systems have to be developed with recirculating drainage
water. For crops with a high planting density, such as lettuce, shall
ow beds of coarse sand may be used if water and nutrient supply can be
regulated adequately. The aim of the present study was to determine t
he rooting characteristics and root distribution of lettuce in sand be
ds, as affected by substrate depth, the distance to a drain, drip line
s and drip points, and the excess of nutrient solution applied. The hy
pothesis was tested that a small excess and a large distance between d
rip points leads to local salt accumulations in the root environment a
nd thus to a less homogeneous root distribution. The data confirmed bo
th parts of the hypothesis: spatial patterns in salt distribution were
found. Detailed measurements in a sand bed with only one drip line pe
r two crop rows and an amount of fertigation solution added of 2 times
the estimated evapotranspiration, showed that root length density was
negatively correlated with salt content when comparisons were made wi
thin the same layer. Crop yield per row was influenced in the extreme
treatment, i.e, one drip line per two crop rows and an amount of ferti
gation solution added of 1.3 times the estimated evapotranspiration, b
ut yield per bed was still unaffected. The increased heterogeneity of
the crop will cause problems at harvest and indicates that the most ex
treme treatment included in the comparison is just beyond the limit of
acceptable heterogeneity in the root medium. Lettuce can be grown on
sand beds with a recirculating nutrient solution provided that drip li
nes are well distributed in the bed and the daily nutrient solution ex
cess is more than 30% of demand.