The modern geomagnetic held is usually expressed as a spherical harmon
ic expansion. Although the palaeomagnetic record is very incomplete in
both space and time, sufficient data are available from a span of age
s to generate time-averaged spherical harmonic field models with many
degrees of freedom. Here three data sets are considered: directional m
easurements from lavas, inclination measurements from ocean sediments,
and intensity measurements from lavas. Individual data are analysed,
as well as site-averages, using the same methods that have been develo
ped for the modern held, to give models for the past 5 Myr. The normal
-polarity held model has an axial-dipole intensity similar to that of
the modern-day held, whilst the equatorial-dipole component is very mu
ch smaller. The held is not axisymmetric, but shows flux concentration
s at the core's surface under Canada and Siberia similar to those obse
rved in the held over historical timescales. Tests on synthetic data s
how that it is unlikely that these similarities result from the overpr
inting of the palaeomagnetic held due to inadequate cleaning of the sa
mples. The reverse-polarity held model does not show such obvious feat
ures, but this may be due to the sparsity of the data. The patterns ob
served in the normal-polarity held, with persistent features in the no
rthern hemisphere and a smooth southern hemisphere, could be explained
if the present pattern of secular variation is typical of the past se
veral million years. This would reveal itself as large variations over
time in the direction of the magnetic vector in regions of high secul
ar variation, with relatively little change over quieter regions. Howe
ver, we have been unable to find any evidence for a geographical patte
rn of secular variation in the data.