The temperature-induced coil-globule transition has been studied in di
lute aqueous solutions (with 200 mg/L SDS) for different fractions of
poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAM) and poly(N-isopropylmethacrylamid
e) (PNIPMAM) using scanning microcalorimetry, diffusion, and size-excl
usion chromatography (FPLC). It has been shown that both these polymer
s undergo a coil-globule transition upon temperature increase. This tr
ansition is accompanied by cooperative heat absorption and a decrease
of heat capacity, which makes it similar to the cold denaturation of g
lobular proteins. The globule-coil transition is an ''all-or-none'' pr
ocess only for the fractions with the lowest molecular weights (simila
r to 10 x 10(3)) while fractions of larger molecular weights behave as
if they consist of quasi-independent cooperative units, the ''domains
''. The number of ''domains'' in a macromolecule is proportional to th
e molecular weight of the polymer. This suggests that the ''domain'' c
haracter of cooperative transitions in large proteins does not, in pri
nciple, need evolutionary-selected amino acid sequences but can occur
even in homopolymers.