The CS-1/4, a computerized system for assessing cohesion and conflict,
was designed by Kalinin and Nilopets for application with Russian Oly
mpic team sports. The instrument combines Symbolic Interaction Theory
with sociometry (Task I), assessment of behavior (Task II), and assess
ment of personality (Tasks III/IV) to examine the behavior of the grou
p from several perspectives. An overview of the system is presented an
d its practical application for western research in sports is examined
. A composite of team members' ratings on all four tasks is analyzed t
hrough a computer algorithm. The analysis results in a 12-page printou
t of data pertaining to team leadership tendencies, role status, and c
ompatibility and a summary of the team's dominating drives in terms of
achievement, independence, and support characteristics. Suggestions f
or practical and scientific application with teams in western sports a
re mentioned.