Alu sequences represent the largest family of short interspersed repet
itive elements (SINEs) in humans with 500 000 copies per genome. Recen
tly, one Alu subfamily was found to be human specific (HS). We origina
lly described the use of polymorphic PIS Alu insertions as a tool in p
opulation studies and recently as tools in DNA fingerprinting and fore
nsic analysis. In this report, we will use this simple polymerase chai
n reaction (PCR) base technique for the detection of HS Alu insertion
polymorphisms. We will test the resolving power of this DNA profiling
approach in both population genetics and paternity assessment. At the
population level, we will describe the genotypic distribution of five
polymorphic Alu insertions among 3 populations from the American conti
nent, one of African origin, the other two Amerindians. Insight into t
heir relationships will be provided. At the family level, we will exam
ine one European American family of seven individuals and the same ped
igree will also be characterized by way of the two systems currently a
nd widely used to ascertain paternity: PCR-sequence specific oligonucl
eotide probe hybridization (PCR-SSO) and PCR-restriction fragment leng
th polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) of human leucocyte antigen (HLA) class II m
olecules, and a standard RFLP protocol used in forensic casework and p
aternity studies. The importance and strengths of the method as well a
s its perspectives for future use in filiation studies will be evaluat