Purpose: Vascular reconstructions ate prone to fail as a result of the
development of stenotic lesions, which have historically been attribu
ted to myointimal hyperplasia. In animal models, these lesions are ass
ociated with marked proliferative smooth muscle cell (SMC) response to
vascular injury. However, recent studies using sensitive immunocytoch
emical techniques in human lesions have generally failed to detect sig
nificant cellular proliferation. To clarify the role of cellular proli
feration in humans, we characterized the cellular composition and prol
iferative index of 14 early infrainguinal vein graft stenoses. Methods
: All infrainguinal vein grafts at our institution are prospectively e
nrolled in a duplex surveillance protocol, the details of which have b
een previously reported. Among 98 grafts placed within the last year,
11 patients were identified with 14 progressive, focal, high-grade les
ions that met previously established threshold criteria for prophylact
ic revision to prevent graft thrombosis. Lesions were first detected f
rom 1 week to 7 months after surgery and were removed and replaced wit
h segmental interposition grafts (1.5 to 10 months). Freshly excised l
esions were placed in Methyl Carnoy's fixative, paraffin embedded, and
serially sebioned. The cellular composition of each lesion was determ
ined with cell-specific immunochemical reagents: or SMC actin, von Wil
lebrand factor (endothelial cell), CD 68 (macrophage), and CD 45RB (mo
nocyte). Actively proliferating cells were identified using antibody t
o proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA). The identity of PCNA-posi
tive cells was determined by double-label immunocytochemical staining,
and the proliferative index (PCNA-positive cells/total cells x 100) w
as calculated by computer-assisted counts of representative gridded cr
oss-sections of each lesion. Results: All excised lesions demonstrated
marked thickening with severe luminal encroachment and were highly ce
llular, with a predominance of alpha SMC actin+. Endothelial cells on
the blood flow surface were present to a variable degree, and seven le
sions exhibited striking numbers of macrophages and monocytes. The lat
ter cell types were most abundant near microvessels in the deep neoint
ima and adventitia. Active cellular proliferation was identified prima
rily in SMCs, with a mean PCNA index of 1.34%. However, significant PC
NA reactivity was not limited to SMCs, but was also identified in macr
ophages and monocytes, particularly in lesions greater than 3 months o
ld. Conclusions: Previous immunocytochemical studies of human coronary
restenosis atherectomy specimens have generally detected low rates of
cellular proliferation (0.5%), but these lesions may not truly repres
ent myointimal hyperplasia, rather a mixture of atherosclerosis, throm
bosis, and ''restenosis.'' In contrast, the present study of early hum
an vein graft lesions detected by duplex surveillance indicates that s
ignificant cellular proliferation occurs, although rates are lower tha
n those obtained in animals such as the rat carotid injury model. In a
ddition, although SMCs are the predominant proliferating cell type in
human vein grafts, our identification of proliferating monocytes and m
acrophages raises the question of the contribution of an inflammatory
component to the development of human lesions. The present study repre
sents the first report of PCNA determination in a series of human infr
ainguinal vein grafting procedures.