Many of the commonly studied pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs) are built u
pon the subgroup retronecine (RET), which is released from the parent
molecule by either base catalyzed or enzymatic hydrolysis of the ester
linkages. The rate of appearance of RET in a hydrolytic study would t
hus reflect the fate of hydrolysis for the PA being tested. We have de
veloped a gas chromatographic (GC) method to measure the release of RE
T from incubations of PAs with the guinea pig carboxylesterase, GPH1.
The PAs tested were the following: jacobine (JAB), jacozine (JAZ), ret
rorsine (RES), and seneciphylline (SNP). The K(m)s for SNP and JAZ wer
e determined to be 64.9 and 349.2 mu M, respectively. In addition, a q
ualitative assessment of hydrolytic activity toward a radiolabelled mi
xture of retrorsine/riddelliine (RES/RIL) was performed with HPLC and
radiometric detection.