Using laser-Doppler flowmetry in association with other noninvasive mi
crocirculatory techniques such as transcutaneous PO2 and PCO2 and capi
llary filtration measurements it is possible to define two major types
of microangiopathy. Low perfusion microangiopathy (LPM) is observed i
n peripheral vascular disease, essential hypertension, Raynaud's disea
se etc. Nigh perfusion microangiopathy (HPM) is observed in venous hyp
ertensive microangiopathy and diabetic microangiopathy, In both these
conditions there is an increased skin flux, decreased venoarteriolar r
esponse and increased capillary filtration leading to edema formation.
In HPM elastic compression and drugs acting on capillary filtration e
ffectively reduce skin flux and the increased capillary leakage and ed
ema formation.