The paper seeks to open up a debate on the nature of change at a conce
ptual and theoretical level. It argues that the abundance of methodolo
gies and strategies for managing system change belies an acute lack of
any clear understanding of the very nature and essence of change itse
lf, whether it be institutional, technological, environmental or organ
izational. The paper calls for a greater comprehension of the fundamen
tal dynamics of change, and highlights the considerable need for a sol
id theoretical basis from which to explore the complexities of system
change. A cross-discipline approach is suggested, involving the analys
is of change phenomena drawn from across the natural and physical scie
nces, deriving common characteristics and principles for abstraction i
nto a general change framework. Several examples of the approach are d
escribed briefly, using change phenomenon taken from a range of discip
lines. The paper concludes by outlining other subject areas which cont
ain conceptually useful change phenomena worth investigating.