1. Neural activity was recorded extracellularly with two independent m
icroelectrodes aligned in parallel and advanced perpendicular to isofr
equency sheets in cat primary auditory cortex. Multiunit activity was
separated into single-unit spike trains using a maximum variance spike
sorting algorithm. Only units that demonstrated a high quality of sor
ting and a minimum spontaneous firing rate of 0.2 spikes/s were consid
ered for analysis. The primary aim of this study was to describe the e
ffect of periodic click train and broadband noise stimulation on short
-time-scale (less than or equal to 50 ms) bursts in the spike trains o
f single auditory cortical units and to determine whether stimulation
influenced the occurrence, spike count, and/or temporal structure of b
urst firing relative to a spontaneous baseline. 2. Extracellular recor
dings were made in 20 juvenile and adult cats from 69 single auditory
cortical units during click train stimulation and silence, and from 30
single units during noise stimulation and in silence. In an additiona
l 15 single units the effect of both click train and noise stimulation
was investigated. The incidence, spike count, and temporal structure
of short-time-scale burst firing in the first 100 ms following stimulu
s presentation was compared with burst firing in the period starting 5
00 ms after stimulus presentation and with spontaneous burst firing. I
n addition, the serial dependence of interspike intervals within a bur
st was tested during periods of stimulation. 3. Burst firing was prese
nt in the stimulation, poststimulation, and spontaneous conditions. Lo
nger bursts (consisting of greater than or equal to 3 spikes) were mor
e commonly observed in the poststimulation and spontaneous conditions
than in the stimulation condition. This effect was most pronounced dur
ing click stimulation. A period of elevated firing activity was presen
t in a subset of units 0.5-1.5 s after stimulus presentation, indicati
ng prolonged effects of stimulation on single-unit firing behavior. 4.
For both stimuli, the proportion of single-unit responses composed of
bursts was significantly greater in poststimulation and spontaneous p
eriods than during stimulation. Burst rate was higher in post-click-tr
ain stimulation and spontaneous periods than during periods of click s
timulation. The isolated spike rate was significantly higher during pe
riods of noise and click stimulation than in the poststimulation and s
pontaneous periods. 5. An examination of the autocorrelograms and high
er-order interspike interval histograms of single-unit responses durin
g click train stimulation indicated that 25% of single-unit spike trai
ns contained an excess of brief first-order intervals and 14% of spike
trains contained a shortage of long higher-order interspike intervals
relative to a spontaneous baseline. During noise stimulation, 10% of
single-unit responses contained an excess of short intervals relative
to baseline. Interspike intervals of short-duration bursts were not se
rially dependent during periods of stimulation. 6. A comparison of the
autocorrelograms and higher-order interval histograms of single-unit
responses in the poststimulation and spontaneous conditions indicated
that 20% of single-unit spike trains contained an excess of short firs
t-, second-, and third-order intervals following stimulation. This sub
group of single units could not be distinguished on the basis of the a
ge of the animal or the depth at which the recording was made. 7. The
low incidence of burst filing during stimulation opposes the view that
bursts serve as a mechanism to emphasize or amplify particular stimul
us-related responses in the presence of ongoing spontaneous activity i
n the primary auditory cortex. Moreover, there is little evidence to s
upport the notion that brief bursts represent neural codes, because in
traburst intervals are not serially dependent. It is suggested that py
ramidal burst firing may be an effective way to evoke postsynaptic fir
ing in inhibitory interneurons and subsequently reduce or inhibit firi
ng activity in neocortex in a self-stabilizing process.