Large controlled multiplexing systems are approximated by diffusion ty
pe processes yielding a very efficient way of approximation and good n
umerical methods. The ''limit'' equations are an efficient aggregation
of the original system, and provide the basis of the actual numerical
approximation to the control problem. The numerical approximations ha
ve the structure of the original problem, but are generally much simpl
er. The control can occur in a variety of places; e.g., ''leaky bucket
'' controllers, control of ''marked cells'' at the transmitter buffer,
or control of the transmitter speed. From the point of view of the li
mit equations, those are equivalent. Various forms of the optimal cont
rol problem are explored, where the main aim is to control or balance
the losses at the control with those due to buffer overflow. It is sho
wn that much can be saved via the use of optimal controls or reasonabl
e approximations to them. We discuss systems with one to three classes
of sources, various aggregation methods and control approximation sch
emes. There are qualitative comparisons of various systems with and wi
thout control and a discussion of the variations of control and perfor
mance as the systems data and control bounds vary. The approach is a v
ery useful tool for providing both qualitative and quantitative inform
ation which would be hard to get otherwise. The results have applicati
ons to various forms of the ATM and broadband integrated data networks