Planning for either a single species, multiple species, or ecosystems
is greatly dependent on spatial interactions in the landscape. Problem
s exist for evaluating wildlife habitat changes over large ranges of s
pace and time. This paper illustrates the use of Geographic Informatio
n Systems (GIS) to evaluate habitat for a single species, ruffed grous
e (Bonasa umbellus), following a time series of forest harvests. A hab
itat suitability model for ruffed grouse is utilized on a two-township
study area in north-central Minnesota to assess the habitat suitabili
ty changes over time using an even-aged area-control harvesting plan.
The results are presented as a habitat quality change map and a contin
gency table, representing the movement of habitat class areas between
time periods resulting from the proposed harvesting. We developed a ne
ighborhood definition to allow for spatially varying habitat values. T
his work illustrates the ability to 'look ahead' and 'around' in estim
ating the impact on wildlife habitat resulting from alternative future
management activities.