This is a procedural paper that compares six commonly used hierarchica
l clustering techniques applied to atmospheric soundings. The followin
g techniques are compared: single-, complete-, and two average-linkage
techniques, the Ward's technique, and one centroid type technique. Ve
rtical profiling of the atmosphere is based on common soundings sample
d on synoptic scales over the Northern Hemisphere. At each analysis po
int, the atmospheric profile is represented by an 'atmospheric state v
ector' consisting of surface pressure, total column (precipitable) wat
er, and temperature, wind and relative humidity values at 12 discrete
vertical levels. An evaluation of the techniques is performed by compa
ring the mean state vectors of final clusters. Four techniques produce
comparable results, with the largest differences between the techniqu
es appearing for the surface pressure component of the cluster state v
ector. Also, large differences are found in the temperature and wind v
ector components at the 850 hPa pressure level, and the smallest diffe
rences are found for the relative humidity components. The results sup
port findings of studies on air-mass typing on local or regional scale
s: the average-linkage method based on group average provides the most
distinct and homogeneous clusters.