Methods for identifying the important processes limiting crop producti
on and especially photosynthesis are discussed with special reference
to the use of transgenic plants with altered expression of the small s
ubunit of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase (Rubisco), R
ecent advances in the use of metabolic control analysis are reviewed a
nd some restrictions in their application to crop improvement are disc
ussed. Metabolic control and other sensitivity approaches are compared
with the opportunities offered by 'elimination' analyses where the co
ntribution of one component is estimated from the change in assimilati
on rate when any limitation by that component is removed. It is conclu
ded that although control or sensitivity analyses provide effective to
ols for describing the importance of component processes, especially w
hen using transgenic approaches to generation of isogenic material, ou
r present limited knowledge of the complex interactions between variou
s metabolic pathways restricts the value of these approaches in guidin
g breeding effort.