Sc. Pei et Jj. Shyu, DESIGN OF COMPLEX FIR FILTERS WITH ARBITRARY COMPLEX FREQUENCY RESPONSES BY 2 REAL CHEBYSHEV APPROXIMATIONS, IEEE transactions on circuits and systems. 1, Fundamental theory andapplications, 44(2), 1997, pp. 170-174
The well-known Parks-McClellan program can only design Linear phase re
al FIR filters, and the Remez exchange algorithm is not readily applie
d for general complex FIR filter design. In this brief, the problem of
designing complex FIR filters is solved by dividing the original comp
lex approximation into two real ones such that the Remez exchange algo
rithm can be applied hy slightly modifying the Parks-McClellan-McCalli
ng program. Arbitrary frequency response complex FIR filters and compl
ex all-pass filters can be easily designed by this efficient technique
. This approach has several practical advantages such as fast design t
ime and easy implementation with satisfactory performance.