Measurements of the radius of Mars obtained using Earth-based telescop
ic measurements between 1879 and 1958 determined the altitude in the a
tmosphere at which the line-of-sight opacity was unity. These data can
be used to estimate the dust content of the martian atmosphere during
that time period. Comparison with the distribution of brightness seen
in images of the limb from the Mariner 9 and Viking spacecraft sugges
ts that the dust content prior to 1956 was substantially less than dur
ing the 1970s. In addition, the dust content in the polar regions was
substantially less than in the equatorial regions. These data suggest
that there is significant variability of the dust cycle on decade- or
century-long time scales. The atmospheric behavior seen by Viking appe
ars to represent an extreme behavior rather than one typical or repres
entative of the present epoch. (C) 1995 Academic Press, Inc.