Ectrodactyly (split hand/split foot malformation, SHSF) is a human lim
b malformation characterized by absent central digital rays, deep medi
an cleft, and syndactyly of remaining digits. The disorder is genetica
lly heterogeneous, with at least two loci thus far determined: an auto
somal locus at 7q21 designated SHFM1 and an X-linked locus at Xq26 des
ignated SHFM2. Cytogenetic analysis of sporadic SHSF patients and link
age studies in extended pedigrees both suggest more than one autosomal
locus exists. We report a novel SHSF locus suggested by a stillborn i
nfant with ectrodactyly and other malformations who inherited an unbal
anced translocation resulting in monosomy 4p15.1-4pter and trisomy for
10q25.2-qter. To investigate 10q25 as a possible split hand/ split fo
ot locus, microsatellite markers spanning 52 cM of 10q were utilized f
or linkage analysis of a large autosomal dominant SHSF pedigree in whi
ch the region encompassing SHFM1 previously was excluded as containing
the causative mutation. The marker D10S583 was fully informative in t
he family, giving a maximum LOD score of 4.21 at recombination theta =
0.00. Recombination haplotypes define the 9 cM region between D10S541
and D10S574 as inclusive for this second autosomal SHSF locus, for wh
ich we propose the designation SHFM3.