The etiology of Alzheimer's disease (AD) as well as its exact pathogen
esis are unknown. Eventhough the deposition of beta A4 and the formati
on of neurofibrillary tangles represent impressive morphological hallm
arks of the disease, several lines of evidence suggest that both lesio
ns are not sufficient as causes of the neurodegenerative process. On t
he other hand, in vitro studies have shown that beta A4 is neurotoxic
and is able to induce apoptotic cell death in neuronal cell cultures.
Cells dying by apoptosis (programmed cell death) can be visualized in
the tissue with a molecular biologic technique detecting fragmented nu
clear DNA. Using this method, we have detected 50 xmore neurons and 25
xmore glial cells with nuclear DNA fragmentation in the brains of pati
ents with AD than in non-demented controls. In contrast to previous st
udies, most of these cells did not reveal the characteristic morpholog
ical hallmarks of apoptosis. Most dying cells were not located within
amyloid deposits and most dying cells did not bear a tangle. On the ot
her hand, being in physical contact with an amyloid deposit increased
the risk of a cell to dye by factor 5.7 and carrying a neurofibrillary
tangle imposed a 3 times higher risk compared to unaffected nerve cel
ls. Taken together, these data indicate that nerve cell death in AD oc
curs via a mechanism of programmed cell death different from classical
apoptosis. Eventhough plaques and tangles increase the risk of cells
to degenerate, both lesions are not the sole responsibles of the degen
erative process, suggesting the existence of other factors that trigge
r the initiation of the cell death program in AD.