Experiments of rewetting latex films by water show that latex particle
deformation in the film formation processes can be reversible under c
ertain conditions. Water roughens latex films and raises their topogra
phic contrast. Sodium dodecyl sulfate promotes redispersion of latex p
articles. Fronts of rewetting are observed. Water-soluble materials ap
pear on rewetted film. The consolidation and pore-emptying or ''dryout
'' fronts of dip-coated model latex-pigment coatings are recorded. Nea
r the consolidation front the suspension reaches the first critical co
ncentration; near the ''dryout front,'' the suspension passes through
the second critical concentration. The microstructure development in l
atex-pigment coatings is continuous behind the consolidation front, al
though the dryout front has been observed there. The slightly carboxyl
ated poly (styrene-butadiene) latex particles deform in seconds in coa
tings of precipitated calcium carbonate with latex binder. The highly
carboxylated poly (styrene- butadiene) latex deformed only slightly in
dir-dried coating. The results indicate that latex particle deformati
on is not finished dt the second critical concentration.