We will discuss predictions for the stability and structures of all-si
lica zeolitic structures. We will show that we have derived a shell-mo
del potential, based on ab initio calculations, which gives good predi
ctions for the structure and stability of all-silica structures. We wi
ll compare three shell-model predictions with two rigid-ion model pred
ictions for the structure and stability of silicates. We will show tha
t shell-model predictions for the relative stability of zeolites are m
uch closer to experiment than rigid-ion model predictions, due to the
canceling of covalent and electrostatic terms in the shell models whic
h does not occur in the rigid-ion models. Using the potentials with th
e highest predictive power on both stabilities and structures of silic
ates we will discuss structure-stability relationships that have been
proposed in the literature.