The goodness-of-fit of the Halsey, Modified-Henderson, and Chung isoth
erm equations, as they were applied to 56 canola isotherms, is discuss
ed. The Halsey equation was modified to improve the goodness-of-fit of
these isotherms. The modified model is valid for equilibration temper
atures between 3.5 and 75 degrees C, relative humidities from 15 to 92
% and moisture contents in the range of 4 to 23% db. The canola was ex
posed to five drying-rewetting cycles and to dehydration temperatures
of 25 and 50 degrees C. The modified Halsey equation was found to be c
apable of expressing canola isotherms exposed to multiple drying and r
ewetting cycles. The dependency of temperature and drying-rewetting cy
cles was also examined. A mathematical equation that related the equil
ibrium relative humidity (ERH) to equilibrium moisture content (EMC),
equilibrium temperature, and drying-rewetting cycles is proposed.