Objectives: Destructive arthritis of the hip joint is a rare manifesta
tion of Crohn's disease, We evaluated its frequency and clinical featu
res in comparison with spondylarthritis and assessed the clinical cour
se, Methods: One hundred patients with Crohn's disease were followed p
rospectively in search of destructive arthritis of the hip joint, Pati
ents with both Crohn's disease and manifestations of inflammatory join
t disease hospitalized in three rheumatology units were also evaluated
retrospectively. Results: The prevalence of destructive hip disease w
as 2% in patients with Crohn's disease, Ten patients had destructive a
rthritis of the hip, Three had ankylosing spondylitis, 5 had spondylar
thritis not responding to the criteria of ankylosing spondylitis and 2
had no axial joint disease, In all patients, signs of hip joint disea
se were a narrowed intra-articular space, bone condensation, osteophyt
osis and features of joint destruction, Manifestations were similar to
those in patients with hip joint disease related to idiopathic ankylo
sing spondylarthritis, The clinical course was poorly controlled by an
ti-inflammatory drugs or treatment of the inflammatory bowel disease,
Synoviortheses were required and were effective in most cases, Total h
ip replacement was required in 3 cases, Conclusion: Destructive arthri
tis of the hip in patients with Crohn's disease is a rare complication
causing severe functional impairment further handicapping the patient
with a chronic bowel disease.