This paper presents an assessment of a variety of reconstruction schem
es on meshes with both quadrilateral and triangular tessellations, The
investigations measure the order of accuracy, absolute error, and con
vergence properties associated with each method. Linear reconstruction
approaches using both Green-Gauss and least-squares gradient estimati
on are evaluated against a structured MUSCL scheme wherever possible,
In addition to examining the influence of polygon degree and reconstru
ction strategy, results with three limiters are examined and compared
against unlimited results when feasible. The methods are applied on qu
adrilateral, right triangular, and equilateral triangular elements to
facilitate an examination of the scheme's behavior on a variety of ele
ment shapes. The numerical test cases include feell-noown internal and
external inviscid examples and also a supersonic vortex problem for w
hich there exists a closed-form solution to the two-dimensional compre
ssible Euler equations. Such investigations indicate that the least-sq
uares gradient estimation provides significantly more reliable results
on poor quality meshes. Furthermore, limiting only the face normal co
mponent of the gradient can significantly increase both accuracy and c
onvergence while still preserving the integral cell average and mainta
ining monoticity. The first-order method performs poorly on stretched
triangular meshes, and analysis shows that such meshes result in poorl
y aligned left and right states for the Riemann problem. The higher av
erage valence of a vertex in the triangular tesselations does not appe
ar to enhance the wave propagation, accuracy, or convergence propertie
s of the method. Typically, quadrilateral elements provide superior or
equivalent discrete solutions with approximately 50% fewer edges in t
he domain two-dimensional. However, on very poor quality meshes, the t
riangular elements routinely yield superior accuracy as a result of th
e trapezoidal quadrature of the Galerkin portion of the numerical flux