The Frame-logic (F-logic) approach of [20] is suggested as an underlyi
ng framework for description languages. F-logic is shown to provide a
full account for description languages without losing the direct seman
tics and the descriptive nature. It can support such desirable feature
s as high-order role fillers, collective entities, intensions, roles a
s first-class objects, and n-ary relationships. Yet, its semantics is
first order. In an F-logic based description language, few description
constructs are built in, and concepts, roles, and terminological oper
ators are definable. The discussion of desirable features in descripti
ons is made possible within a single, uniform framework that also cohe
rently integrates with logic programming and deductive, object-oriente
d database technology. Typical descriptive operators can be defined in
the language, thereby yielding a flexible description language in whi
ch not all operators must be built in.