Tinto postulates that students enter college with expectations. If the
se expectations are unmet, there is early disenchantment with the soci
al and academic communities. Such disenchantments hinder academic and
social integration which, in turn, influence subsequent institutional
and goal commitments and ultimately student departure. These formulati
ons are tested in a multi-institutional study of 263 first-time freshm
en who entered four-year colleges and universities. The findings indic
ate that both academic and social integration are positively influence
d by the meeting of expectations for academic and career development.
Social integration is positively influenced by expectations for opport
unities for personal involvement, but negatively affected by expectati
ons for a collegiate atmosphere. Indirect effects on intentions to rem
ain in the focal college are indirectly influenced by collegiate atmos
phere and academic and career development. Implications for enrollment
management and the development of linkages between theories of colleg
e choice and student departure are drawn.