The unidirectional gas-flow pattern through the avian lung is thought
to result from 'aerodynamic valves'; support for this hypothesis lies
mainly in the failure to find any evidence for anatomical valves. Duri
ng expiration, air hows from the caudal air sacs through the major exc
hange area of the lung, the paleopulmonic parabronchi, instead of bypa
ssing the lungs via the intrapulmonary bronchus. We tested whether the
effectiveness of this expiratory flow control mechanism depends on ae
rodynamic factors, especially convective inertial forces that depend o
n gas density and flow velocity. In pump-ventilated, anaesthetized gee
se, a bolus of tracer gas was introduced into both the right and left
caudal thoracic air sacs during an end-inspiratory pause. During the f
irst expiration, the rise of tracer levels within the caudal trachea w
as measured. Valve efficacy was positively correlated with the rate of
expiratory gas flow, Vao (range 8-200 ml s(-1)), At flows assumed to
occur during exercise in geese (VAO>100 ml s(-1)), the expiratory valv
e efficacy was approximately 95%; it was less effective at lower hows.
Surprisingly, the density (p) of the background gas (p of He/O-2=0.43
gl(-1), Ar/O-2=1.72 gl(-1) or SF6O2=5.50 gl(-1)) had no effect on exp
iratory valving. We suggest two possible mechanisms that might explain
this unusual combination of how dependence without density dependence
. (1) If airway geometry changes occurred between experiments with dif
ferent gases, flow in the vicinity of the expiratory valve may have va
ried independently from flow measured at the airway opening. (2) Alter
natively, valving may depend on dynamic compression of the intrapulmon
ary bronchus, which could depend mainly on viscous resistance and thus
on flow velocity hut not gas density.