An electroporation medium containing 50 mM glycine or 10 mM glycylglyc
ine (glygly), 70 mM potassium glutamate, and 0.4 M mannitol was evalua
ted for its ability to improve transient beta-glucuronidase (GUS) expr
ession in immature cotyledonary protoplasts of Arachis hypogaea L. GUS
activity in electroporated protoplasts was 8- to 430-fold greater tha
n that obtained using any of other four commonly employed poration med
ia. Analysis of viability and histochemical staining of protoplasts in
dicated that electroporation using the glycine- or glygly-based porati
on medium resulted in increased protoplast viability and GUS expressio
n when compared with other poration media. Replacement of glygly with
MES or HEPES buffers significantly reduced the level of GUS expression
in electroporated protoplasts.