Luce's axiom governing probabilities of choice is formulated as a prin
ciple governing metalinguistic probabilities. If X, Y, W are sets of o
ptions, and delta(X), delta(Y), delta(W) are sentences asserting that
choice is made from these sets, then the axiom is If pi[delta(X)] not
equal 0 and pi[delta(X boolean AND Y)] not equal 0, then pi(delta(X))[
delta(Y boolean AND W)] = pi(delta(X boolean AND Y))[delta(W)]pi(delta
(X))[delta(Y)] where pi is a probability on sentences. The axiom is th
en entailed by extensionality of the probability pi in company with a
simple condition on probabilities of truth-functions. Conditions are a
lso given under which the probability pi is uniquely represented by a
probability on the sets of options. What look to be logical constraint
s on the metalanguage entail a normative or prudential constraint. Deb
reu's well-known counterinstance to the axiom as a principle governing
probability of choice is examined and a novel and consistent interpre
tation of the axiom is proposed.