Thermal denaturation of Torpedo californica acetylcholinesterase, a di
sulfide-linked homodimer with 537 amino acids in each subunit, was stu
died by differential scanning calorimetry. It displays a single calori
metric peak that is completely irreversible, the shape and temperature
maximum depending on the scan rate. Thus, thermal denaturation of ace
tylcholinesterase is an irreversible process, under kinetic control, w
hich is described well by the two-state kinetic scheme N -->(k) D, wit
h activation energy 131 +/- 8 kcal/mol. Analysis of the kinetics of de
naturation in the thermal transition temperature range, by monitoring
loss of enzymic activity, yields activation energy of 121 +/- 20 kcal/
mol, similar to the value obtained by differential scanning calorimetr
y. Thermally denatured acetylcholinesterase displays spectroscopic cha
racteristics typical of a molten globule state, similar to those of pa
rtially unfolded enzyme obtained by modification with thiol-specific r
eagents. Evidence is presented that the partially unfolded states prod
uced by the two different treatments are thermodynamically favored rel
ative to the native state.