The East German Christian Democratic Union (CDU) was a bloc party of t
he ruling SED but also had historical roots in the pre-fascist German
past. In the political crisis in 1989 part of the party intelligentsia
of the eastern CDU reinterpreted their former political orientation a
nd also used the party history of their personal relations to the chur
ches. This group gained the party leadership in the autumn of 1989 and
became the leading politicians of the 41st year of the GDR. But from
the summer of 1991 onwards a second wave of elite changes took place.
Now the new party members without ties to the bloc party of the past w
ere victorious in the political contest. Both the radical elite replac
ements and the difficulties in reformulating political identities show
that the process of change in the East German CDU after 1989 was char
acterized by typical post-communist problems.