An important issue in the alcohol held is how to present treatment out
come findings in a way that conveys the nature of the full range of ou
tcomes (i.e., how individuals fared). Results should also be presented
so as to be readily understood by practitioners. To illustrate how tr
eatment outcome reports can be enriched by graphic portrayals of outco
me findings, previously unpublished results from a study of Guided Sel
f-Change treatment for problem drinkers are first presented in a tradi
tional manner. Then, supplemental graphic methods of data reporting, i
ncluding the use of frequency distributions and scatter plots, are pre
sented. These portrayals are shown to address issues that receive litt
le attention in reports limited to statistical analyses. It is also sh
own that reported success rates, ''yardsticks of success,'' are highly
dependent on small changes in the criteria used to define success.