The thalassemias are a heterogeneous group of disorders characterized
by accumulation either of unmatched alpha or beta globin chains. These
in turn cause the intramedullary and peripheral hemolysis that leads
to varying anemia. A partial explanation for the hemolysis came out of
our studies on material properties that showed that beta-thalassemia
(beta-thal) intermedia ghosts were very rigid but unstable. A clue to
this instability came from the observation that the spectrin/band 3 ra
tio was low in red blood cells (RBCs) of splenectomized beta-thal inte
rmedia patients, The possible explanations for the apparent decrease i
n spectrin content included deficient or defective spectrin synthesis
in thalassemic erythroid precursors or globin chain-induced membrane c
hanges that lead to spectrin dissociation from the membrane during gho
st preparation. To explore the latter alternative, samples from differ
ent thalassemic variants were obtained, ie, beta-thal intermedia, HbE/
beta-thal, HbH (alpha-thal-1/alpha-thal-2), HbH/Constant Spring (CS),
and homozygous HbCS/CS. We searched for the presence of spectrin in th
e first lysate of the standard ghost preparation. Normal individuals a
nd patients with autoimmune hemolytic anemia, sickle cell anemia, and
anemia due to chemotherapy served as controls. Using gradient sodium d
odecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis, no spectri
n was detected in identical aliquots of the supernatants of normals an
d these control samples. Varying amounts of spectrin were detected in
the first lysate supernatants of almost all thalassemic patients. The
identification of spectrin was confirmed by Western blotting using an
affinity-purified, monospecific, rabbit polyclonal antispectrin antibo
dy. Relative amounts of spectrin detected were as follows in decreasin
g order: splenectomized beta-thal intermedia including HbE/beta-thal;
HbCS/CS; nonsplenectomized beta-thal intermedia, HbH/CS; and, lastly,
HbH. These findings were generally confirmed when we used an enzyme-li
nked immunosorbent assay technique to measure spectrin in the first ly
sate. Subsequent analyses showed that small amounts of actin and band
4.1 also appeared in lysates of thalassemic RBCs. Therefore, the three
major membrane skeletal proteins are, to a varying degree, unstably a
ttached in severe thalassemia. From these studies we would postulate t
hat membrane association of abnormal or partially oxidized alpha-globi
n chains has a more deleterious effect on the membrane skeleton than d
o beta-globin chains. (C) 1995 by The American Society of Hematology.