1. Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) cease feeding before entering their h
ome river to undertake upriver migration and spawning. Here we examine
whether the onset of this anorexia is related to body condition and/o
r gonad development. 2. The food intake and growth rate of 100 individ
ually marked one-sea-winter fish (stocked in an outdoor tank) were mon
itored regularly over 11 weeks during summer. The relative size of bod
y lipid reserves, lean mass and gonad size were estimated in all matur
ing females in midsummer and at the end of the experiment. 3. The date
on which individual fish stopped feeding varied greatly; after ceasin
g to feed all lost weight at a consistent rate of 0.1% per day. 4. The
onset of anorexia was significantly correlated with estimates of fat
reserves, lean mass and gonad size. However multivariate analysis show
ed that lean mass was most important. Female salmon thus appear to con
tinue feeding until their lean mass has reached threshold levels. The
evolutionary implications of these findings are discussed with respect
to inter-population variation in the length and relative difficulty o
f upriver migration.