A river-corridor survey (RCS), routinely undertaken on behalf of the N
ational Rivers Authority (NRA), provides a consistent national approac
h to gathering and recording environmental information on 500-m stretc
hes of river corridor. The development of RCS is reviewed and the meth
odology which is currently applied within the NRA is described. A rese
arch programme, sponsored by the NRA, to develop scientifically-valid
methods for extracting quantitative information from RCS maps is outli
ned. The methodology allows for spatial distortions and operator varia
nce in mapping the 500-m stretches. It is based on an abundance scale
and therefore provides data which can be quantitatively combined and a
nalysed (a) to highlight different properties of the river corridor an
d (b) to summarize those properties over different corridor lengths. T
he results of an example application of these methods of information e
xtraction to a 14.5-km length of river corridor are presented.