Objective: To describe the clinical, laboratory, and histopathologic f
eatures of Idiopathic steatohepatitis in children. Study design: Retro
spective review of all liver biopsies performed at Boston Children's H
ospital, Massachusetts General Hospital, and the University of Massach
usetts Medical Center from 1991 to 1994. Chart review was performed wh
en biopsies demonstrated steatosis. Results: Eighty-two patients had b
iopsy-proven hepatic steatosis. Fourteen patients had fatty liver with
out evidence of inherited, infectious, autoimmune, endocrinologic, tox
icologic, or iatrogenic causes. All 14 patients were obese, averaging
159% of ideal body weight(range, 121% to 222%), Nine patients initiall
y had transient abdominal pain, two had hepatomegaly, and one was iden
tified by incidental laboratory evaluation. These 12 patients had biop
sies because of persistent elevations of aminotransferase levels. Two
other patients without risk factors for steatosis were identified at s
taging laparotomy for Hodgkin lymphoma. The 10 boys and 4 girls had an
average age of 13.5 years (range, 10 to 18 years). Aminotransferase e
levations were modest, with aspartate aminotransferase and alanine ami
notransferase values averaging 77 +/- 38 IU and 129 +/- 73 IU, respect
ively. All had imaging studies demonstrating diffuse fatty change. His
tologic examination of biopsy specimens revealed varying degrees of st
eatosis with inflammation and fibrosis. Conclusion: Idiopathic steatoh
epatitis occurs predominantly or exclusively in obese peripubertal chi
ldren. This entity represents a frequent reason far liver biopsy in th
is age group. The degree of steatosis, fibrosis, and inflammation does
not correlate with symptoms or signs, and significant liver injury wi
th bridging fibrosis may be present.