The influence of quantum interference on the transmission of a fluxon
through an ideal long circular Josephson junction (a ''Josephson ring'
') is studied. In the low-temperature regime the transmission is a per
iodic function of a gauge charge applied along the ring with a period
2e. Around points of full period of both the gauge charge and the opti
cal path, the transmission shows resonances as a function of the gauge
charge and ''antiresonances'' as a function of the optical path. Thes
e resonances and antiresonances are associated with energy levels of t
he circular junction and with short dwelling time of the fluxon in the
ring. In the high-temperature regime the interaction with plasmons de
phases the fluxon wave function completely. The transmission probabili
ty in this regime is calculated in a stationary picture and in a dynam
ical picture and two different results are obtained. The discrepancy b
etween the two pictures is explained via the ratio of the dwelling tim
e to the time the thermal bath needs to change the plasmons' microscop
ical state. A general method that retrieves the two results is present