Background Stroke is the most feared complication of thrombolysis for
acute myocardial infarction because of the resulting mortality and dis
ability. We analyzed the incidence, timing, and outcomes of stroke in
an international trial. Methods and Results Patients were randomly ass
igned to one of four thrombolytic strategies. Neurological events were
confirmed clinically and anatomically and were adjudicated by a blind
ed committee. Stroke survivors, categorized by residual deficit and di
sability, assessed their quality of life with a time trade-off techniq
ue. Multivariable regression identified patient characteristics associ
ated with intracranial hemorrhage. Overall, 1.4% of the patients had a
stroke (93% anatomic documentation). The risk ranged from 1.19% with
streptokinase/subcutaneous heparin therapy to 1.64% with combination t
hrombolytic therapy (P=.007). Primary intracranial hemorrhage rates ra
nged from 0.46% with streptokinase/subcutaneous heparin to 0.88% with
combination therapy (P<.001). Of all strokes, 41% were fatal, 31% were
disabling, and 24% were nondisabling, with no significant treatment-r
elated differences. Stroke subtype affected prognosis: 60% of patients
with primary intracranial hemorrhage died and 25% were disabled versu
s 17% dead and 40% disabled with nonhemorrhagic infarctions. Patients
with moderate or severe residual deficits showed significantly decreas
ed quality of life. Advanced age, lower weight, prior cerebrovascular
disease or hypertension, systolic and diastolic blood pressures, rando
mization to tissue plasminogen activator, and an interaction between a
ge and hypertension were significant predictors of intracranial hemorr
hage. Conclusions Stroke remains a rare but catastrophic complication
of thrombolysis. Additional studies should assess the net clinical ben
efit of thrombolysis in high-risk subgroups, particularly the elderly
and patients with prior cerebrovascular events.