Background. Screening for cervical cancer and its precursors has tradi
tionally been performed by Papanicolaou smear. As cost considerations
have become more important and as developing countries have begun to i
nitiate screening programs, other approaches to screening have been co
nsidered. Methods. Proposed new methods potentially useful for screeni
ng for cervical cancer and its precursors were reviewed. Results. Cerv
ical cancer screening using unaided or aided visual approaches, human
papillomavirus DNA testing and typing, cervical photography, and autom
ated Pap smear screening instruments are all potentially valuable when
used alone or in combination, depending on the country. Conclusions.
New techniques will make it possible to screen high risk, low-income p
opulations for cervical cancer and its precursors and to do so more co
st-effectively than is possible using conventional Western approaches.
In addition, the latest technology can enhance the screening methods
traditionally used in industrialized countries and can increase the po
sitive and negative predictive value of the screening method.