Cervical cancer is the second most common malignancy in women worldwid
e and remains a significant health problem for women, especially minor
ity and underserved women. Despite an understanding of the epidemiolog
ic risks, the screening Papanicolaou smear, and morbid and costly trea
tment, overall survival remains 40%. New strategies, based on the clin
ical and molecular aspects of cervical carcinogenesis, are desperately
needed. Chemoprevention refers to the use of chemical agents to preve
nt or delay the development of cancer in healthy populations. Chemopre
vention studies have several unique features that distinguish them fro
m classic chemotherapeutic trials; these features touch on several dis
ciplines and weave knowledge of the biology of carcinogenesis into the
trial design. In the design of chemoprevention trials, four factors a
re important: high risk cohorts must be identified; suitable medicatio
ns must be selected; study designs should include Phases I, II, and II
I; and studies should include the use, of surrogate end point biomarke
rs. Surrogate end point biomarkers are sought because the cancer devel
ops over a long period of time, and studies of chemopreventives would
require a huge number of subjects followed for many years. Surrogate e
nd point biomarkers serve as alternative end points for examination of
the efficacy of chemopreventives in tissue. High risk cohorts include
women with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) or squamous intra
epithelial lesions (SIL). Nutritional studies have helped define micro
nutrients of interest (folate, carotenoids, vitamin C, vitamin E). Oth
er medications of interest include retinoids (4-hydroxyphenylretinamid
e [4-HPR], retinyl acetate gel, topical all-trans-retinoic acid), poly
amine synthesis inhibitors (alpha-difluoromethylornithine [DFMO]), and
nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (ibuprofen). Phase I chemoprevent
ion studies of the cervix have tested retinyl acetate gel and all-tran
s-retinoic acid. Phase II trials of all-trans-retinoic acid, beta-caro
tene, and folic acid have been and are being carried out, whereas Phas
e III trials of all-trans-retinoic acid have been completed and have s
hown significant regression of CIN 2 but not CIN 3. Phase I studies of
DFMO and Phase II studies of DFMO and 4-HPR are underway. Surrogate e
nd point biomarkers under study include (1) quantitative cytology and
histopathology; (2) human papillomavirus type testing; (3) biologic me
asures of proliferation, regulation, differentiation, and genomic inst
ability; and 4) fluorescence spectroscopic emission. Clinical trials w
ith biologic end points will contribute to our understanding of the ne
oplastic process and hence aid us in developing new preventive and the
rapeutic strategies.